A Year's Review of Prints

With the conclusion of 2018 and subsequent launch of our new feature sets, we've had a lot of inbound interest in our services. As new photographers on board, we've gotten numerous questions asking if it's worth the time and worry to sell prints through Flashframe. Ultimately, it's a case by case situation, and you need to understand your clientele and the race to see if it's worth it for you. With that being said we wanted to publish a few stats from 2018 to give you a general idea of what our users do--keep in mind that many of our users do not sell prints.

Orders are an indication of how many people are actually purchasing, while the total number of prints gives you an idea of how many photos people have in any given single order. The statistics point to the fact that individuals who purchase prints, typically order more than those who buy digitals, as the percentage of the total number of prints relative to total photos sold increases relative to orders. Take a look at the stats below:

Orders With No Prints: 88.3%. Orders With Prints: 11.6%

Total Number of Digital: 87.1%. Total Number of Prints: 12.8%

Does this hold true for your own data? Looking at many of the races on the site, these averages seem to hold consistently across events, varying by only about plus or minus 5%. It's then tough to determine if offering additional products is worth it. Its nearly impossible for us to show that offering prints has any change in revenue numbers. Those people who bought prints might just have instead bought digital, however, you can be confident that folks are getting exactly what they intended by offering them more options.

Looking into your new year, it might be worth adding prints into your new product offerings. Flashframe offers hundreds of print options, and there is an interest in these physical products, albeit a much smaller percentage of folks. We're continuing to offer new physical products outside of the traditional US formatted print sizes, but don't hesitate to reach out, if you're looking for something new to brighten up your particular product offerings to customers.